How to Apply the Feng Shui Bagua Map to your Home - A Tablet with PDF Cover Design and Bagua Square

Perfect for Beginners!
The ULTIMATE guide for applying the Bagua Map to your floorplan so you can CONFIDENTLY begin to make changes to your home and life!

Learn how to apply the Bagua Map! The Feng Shui BAGUA MAP is one of the many tools within Feng Shui that is easy to apply by laying it down over the floor plan of your home. It is laid down based on the position of how you enter into your home according to the Western/BTB Method. It can help open up good energy flow to assist you with manifesting your dreams and goals.


Feng Shui, at it’s core, is about the relationship between your environment and your life. Your home is a mirror reflection of who you are and what is going on in your life at any given moment. However, it does not ever mean good or bad, right or wrong. It is merely just a reflection, a snapshot of your current state of being and living. A way to get insights as to what is really going on in the inner part of your life based on the reflection of the outer environment.

We all have goals that we strive for and things we want to manifest. Gaining those insight and understanding of what that picture of your life looks like from the outer environment can be a very powerful springboard to help move stuck or stagnant energy. With a little awareness and some simple adjustments using things you already own, you can cultivate powerful shifts of energy to create a more effortless path to get to where you desire to go in life.

What is the Bagua Map?

The Bagua map is one of the many tools we use in Feng Shui during a consultation to take an assessment of our home. Its wisdom is thousands of years old derived from ancient philosophies based on the nature of our physical earth. It consists of 9 life energy centers that exist in the makeup of our lives.

We apply the Bagua Map over the floor plan of our home (or room or lot). From there you can begin to see what is gong on in your life and begin to make changes to anchor in good energy flow. Therefore, if you have specific goals you are looking to manifest, seeing into the areas that support those goals can be an asset. Even if you do not have the greatest drawing skills, there are many apps such as MagicPlan, RoomScan, SmartDraw or the many other apps to explore.

Calm. Balance. Harmony.

The “Feng Shui Now: Mapping Out Your Home for Harmony & Success” eGuide from certified Feng Shui consultant Heather Melcer of Harmony In Motion Feng Shui, is a trusted source that will help you learn to easily apply the BAgua Map to the floorplan of your home.

Whether you are just getting started with Feng Shui or simply want to deepen your connection to the flow of energy, using the Bagua Map tool is a perfect way to help you move forward on your path.

Feng Shui Bagua Map PDF eBook Sample Page - by Heather Melcer

This concise eGuide is a practical, down-to-earth, instructional guide that will teach you how to map out your home according to the 9 energy centers of Feng Shui (using Western/BTB method), and how to make changes to bring about movement in each area including:

Career, Relationships, Fame, Family, Wealth, Helpful People & Travel, Children & Creativity, Knowledge, and Health.

You will begin to view your home/office differently and gain a deeper understanding of your space, what it says about your life or work and how to effectively make changes to cultivate success and really get the energy in your life moving to help manifest your goals.

Abundance. Creativity. Success.

Feng Shui Bagua Map PDF eBook Sample Page 2 - by Heather Melcer

Using the suggestions and diagrams in this guide, in just a few pages and mere minutes, you’ll achieve a great deal of newfound awareness as well as hands-on practical know-how to put ideas into action. Written in user-friendly language for both the Feng Shui beginner and the long time enthusiast, this information can be applied to any type, style or size of space, from one-room studios to multi-bedroom mansions and everything in-between. This is the “quick-start,” yet truly comprehensive, manual of how to “plug-in” everything and get up and running enjoying many benefits of Feng Shui in no time at all.

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Sections included in the eGuide, it’s like a home Feng Shui consultation in a few pages:

• Welcome & Introduction

• The 9 Bagua Areas of Your Home
Learn what they are and the colors and definitions for each.

• What Do You Want?
Create a starting point for your journey into Feng Shui.

• Mapping Out Your Home
A dozen floorplan diagrams with clear explanations that show you how.

• Truly Seeing Your Home
Learn what your environment is really saying about your life.

• A Tour of the House: What Belongs Where
Items and ideas of what should be put in each area.

• Results
How to assess that the energy is working.

• A Few Final Thoughts

The Feng Shui BAGUA MAP can be applied
to any size space of home or office,
from one room studios to big mansions
and everything in-between.


Here’s what some readers are saying . . .

“I made a lot of changes in my room according to your guide and I really feel a difference—amazing! Just walking into my room—so much peace, where before I could not even sleep, well, last night I had the best sleep!”
— Shira L., Seattle, WA

“I thoroughly enjoyed this eGuide. As a newcomer to Feng Shui, I found it very easy to understand. It’s written with a clear and simple style while providing enough detail and explanation for any reader. This guide makes me feel as if I have my own personal consultant.”
— Amy M., Washington D.C.

“It was beautifully designed and I appreciated all the sample, floorplan layouts to clarify things. I came away with lots of things think about in my home to help shift the energy.”
— Linda M., Los Angeles, CA

I am delighted to hear about your experiences. If you have a testimonial to share, please feel free to contact me.

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p.s. – What the heck is an eGuide you might ask? eBook wasn’t quite fitting as it’s not grueling in length. And I know we live in a texting, facebook’ing, tweeting world and want our info “NOW”! You know how when you buy some major piece of electronics equipment like a home theater system for example, and then you go home and unpack the boxes to find it comes with 2 things? That’s right, there’s one big thick manual (which almost no one ever reads), and a nice handy fold-out quick-start guide to tell you what all the pieces are, put things into position, connect all the wires properly and before you know it in just a few hours you’re up and running making popcorn ready to enjoy your first movie. So that’s why it’s called an eGuide. It’s an instructional manual to get you up and running incorporating the basic principles of the feng shui BAGUA MAP in your home so you can start seeing results. But don’t let the size fool you, it’s incredibly dense and packed with details!

Heather Melcer


Hi! My name is Heather Melcer and I have been a certified Feng Shui consultant for many years since being trained in 2001. I am a bit of a spiritual wanderer at heart and love to experience and explore the energy of different locations, houses and people. Feng Shui is a living, breathing energy and it is a beautiful thing to see how it flows in different locations. I lived and practiced professionally for 8 years in Los Angeles starting then for 7 years in Chicago and and now make my home on the Central Coast of California in San Luis Obispo County. I am originally from the east coast and grew up in New Jersey, lived in New York City, Miami and even a brief stint across the pond in London. Exploring environments and homes has always been a part of my soul path even before I knew what Feng Shui was. In looking back I can see how it is all divinely been woven into a beautiful tapestry.

When it comes to Feng Shui my goal is to help others create a more peaceful and harmonious home in order to achieve more success in their lives. When you have a home where the energy flows well and you are being supported, you achieve a greater sense of well-being in ALL areas of your life.


How To Apply the Feng Shui Bagua Map PDF eBook

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$33.00 USD

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