What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui literally translated means “wind and water,” and is the ebb and flow of the energy in the environment in which we live. An ancient and sacred Chinese art that has been practiced for thousands of years, it is both a systematic and intuitive approach that studies the correlation between our spiritual, psychological being and the physical space in which we live and work. Our homes are a mirror reflection of who we are and what is going on in our lives. By adjusting, activating and enhancing the flow of energy in our home, Feng Shui allows us to achieve peace, harmony and balance in our lives – which then translates to the ability to achieve prosperity, enjoy stronger relationships, and improve creativity, career, health and much more. Incorporating Feng Shui into your environment gives you the advantage to get to where you need to go in life, all while breathing a little bit easier.

About the Author

Face Photo of Heather Melcer

Hi! My name is Heather Melcer and I have been a certified Feng Shui consultant for many years since being trained in 2001. I am a bit of a spiritual wanderer at heart and love to experience and explore the energy of different locations, houses and people. Feng Shui is a living, breathing energy and it is a beautiful thing to see how it flows in different locations. I lived and practiced professionally for 8 years in Los Angeles then for 7 years in Chicago and and now make my home on the Central Coast of California. Though I am also originally from the East coast and grew up in New Jersey, lived in New York City, Miami and even a brief stint across the pond in London. Exploring environments and homes has always been a part of my soul path even before I knew what Feng Shui was. In looking back I can see how it is all divinely been woven into a beautiful tapestry.

When it comes to Feng Shui my goal is to help others create a more peaceful and harmonious home in order to achieve more success in their lives. When you have a home where the energy flows well and you are being supported, you achieve a greater sense of well-being in ALL areas of your life.

How To Apply the Feng Shui Bagua Map PDF eBook

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