Just because something is behind closed doors doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make enhancements and add some decoration. It doesn’t even have to be much, just enough to anchor in the energy of that area of the map.
Determine where you closets sit within the Bagua map of the floorplan of your home and then get your brainstorming hat on and BE CREATIVE!
Get Creative!
These are a few real-life examples from some of my clients on how they are adding energy behind closed-doors. Thanks for the peak!
1. This coat closet is in the Career area so my client artfully added some black and white artwork stenciled right onto the wall (black is the symbolic color of the career area).

2. This client happens to have her kitchen in the Career area, so she chose black and white liner paper for the shelves.

3. This client had a big walk-in kitchen pantry in the Helpful People & Travel area, so they added a few helpful angels to lift the energy.

Move storage around
Storage is storage. We all have it and need it. However, depending on where your closet falls within the Bagua map, you can switch that storage around so it actually adds to your Feng Shui energy for the better. For example, store boxes of old family photo albums or Great Grandma’s china in a closet in the “Family” area of your home. If you happen have a closet in “Helpful People and Travel”, that’s a good place to store your luggage. Think about the content and meaning of what is in each closet and if it would benefit you if switched with something else. Putting luggage in “Helpful People & Travel” or Grandma’s heirlooms in “Family” actually will anchor and enhance that energy of the Bagua map.
LEARN MORE: If you are interested in learning more fully what the Bagua is, how to lay it down over your own floorplan with many sample drawings, and how to harness it’s power to create more success in your life, consider my instant PDF download eGuide: Mapping Out Your Home for Harmony & Success