I often get asked what kinds of crystals are good for Feng Shui and where to put them in the Bagua Map. While there are some typical general crystal tips that tend to get shared, such as rose quartz for
Crystals and the Feng Shui Bagua Map

I often get asked what kinds of crystals are good for Feng Shui and where to put them in the Bagua Map. While there are some typical general crystal tips that tend to get shared, such as rose quartz for
Just because something is behind closed doors doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make enhancements and add some decoration. It doesn’t even have to be much, just enough to anchor in the energy of that area of the map. Determine where you
It doesn’t take much to make Feng Shui shifts of energy within your home or office. In fact it’s quite simple and sometimes the smallest changes in your environment can really create shifts in your life, both little and big.
There are three ways you can enhance an area of the bagua map. As I created this published gift for my Mom, it got me thinking about the Family area of our homes, so let’s use the Family area of
Ornamental – literally! ‘Tis the season every December which is a festive time of year all over the world. And while all the stores are lined with isles of Christmas ornaments to adorn your tree, if you look closely enough